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Cloud by Day Fire by Night

"At the LORD's command they encamped, and at the LORD's command they set out.  They obeyed the LORD's order, in accordance with his command through Moses."  Numbers 9:23

This blog is going out on the very weekend in which our elders and pastoral staff are spending 24 hours away to "inquire of the Lord."  Each year our elders devote this time to prayerfully seeking the Lord's face on behalf of our church.  This time includes prayer and fasting, introspective questioning and searching conversation on where we see God at work in our midst.  In a very real sense, this is the "pillar of cloud by day" and "pillar of fire by night" kind of stuff mentioned in Exodus 13:21-22 and alluded to in Numbers 9:23 above.

I love the picture of Israel being led by a cloud by day and fire by night.  I love the picture of them moving when God says move and staying when God says stay.  Though, I guess to stay is implicit when He hasn't told them to move.

It all communicates the importance of being led by God.  As a shepherd in the church, that is what I desire.  I want to be a part of a church that is led by God.  I have a funny feeling that this is not always the case in churches today.  And I cannot say just how true it has always been of my own ministry.  However, I do believe that the Renton Bible Church 2013 vision statement was of God.  And I have seen powerful evidences of God's leading and blessing in our body this year in terms of unity, financial stability and signs of spiritual growth.

But back to the question:  How much of the time are we led by God and how much of the time are we led by our own devices?  I know that some would say such a question over-spiritualizes the situation.  They might say God's leading isn't that specific.  As long as we do what is right by the Word, any number of options are fine.

However, God's leading in Israel WAS that specific.  And it leads me to believe that such guidance is not only possible but what God wills for us today!  Can a church function without such guidance?  Sure.  But why would we want to simply "function" in dependence upon our own wisdom when we could be led by the Lord?  Why would we want to settle for what we can do when we could be seeing more of what God wants to do?  So, I pray, "Lord, lead on.  Have your will and your way.  Take the lead!"

I pray this regarding our church.  There is so much need all around us.  And we have been so richly blessed.  May God lead us that we might be used of Him.  May we have an ever-increasing kingdom impact in this world.  May we see people embracing the Gospel.  May we see the weak becoming strong in Him.  May we see children filling our classrooms and youth hungry to grow.  May we see members stepping out in faith to follow God's will.  May we see prayers impassioned for the Kingdom.  May we see young adults driven to do the Lord's work.  May we see families that are founded upon the Word.

I also pray this regarding our individual lives.  My prayer is that each man will be "God's man" and each woman "God's woman," led by the Spirit, doing kingdom work.  May each of us have an ever-increasing impact, along with our families, in reaching out to friends, neighbors, and relatives with the life-changing message of the Gospel.  Let us fill our various roles as elders, deacons, children's ministers, teachers, worship service workers, missions leaders, etc., in a manner that is God-centered and God-honoring.  Beyond ministry, let us be the spouses, fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and children God would have us be, making and becoming more fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.  Let us demonstrate integrity, self-control and love in the way we live in our homes, workplaces and community.

The prayer is, whether by a cloud or fire or any other means He deems best:  May God take the lead in our lives—and may we be responsive to His leading.  Will you join with your leaders in this prayer?  Will you join with us in seeking to be a church that is led by God?  Will you join with us in your own life to be a man or woman or youth who is passionately pursuing the will of God?

I pray that when we come to the end of 2014 we will be able to say, "At the LORD's command we encamped, and at the LORD's command we set out.  We obeyed the LORD!"

In Christ, Pastor Dan


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